Das Problem mit mailout.euregio.net wurde behoben. Die Säuberung der Warteschleife für Emails hat ca. 7 Stunden in Anspruch genommen, damit auch nur die Spam-Mails, die von einem Kunden-Server verschickt wurden, gelöscht wurden. Alle normale Mail wurde weiterhin in der Mail-Queue belassen.
Das einzige Problem, dass noch besteht ist, dass mailout.euregio.net auf der schwarzen Liste (Blocklist) von Yahoo gelandet ist. Dadurch können momentan keine Emails zu Yahoo.fr, Yahoo.de, Yahoo.com, Yahoo.it usw. geschickt werden.
Wir haben inzwischen Yahoo kontaktiert mit der Bitte, unseren Server von der Blockliste zu entfernen.
The problem on mailout.euregio.net has been solved. Cleaning the mailqueue took more than 7 hours as we had to make sure that only the spam mails were removed and legitimate mail remained in the queue for delivery.
Currently, one last problem exists: mailout.euregio.net was put on the Yahoo black list. This means that our clients cannot send regular mail to email addresses hosted by Yahoo (Yahoo.fr, Yahoo.de, Yahoo.com, Yahoo.it, etc.).
We’ve contacted Yahoo and asked them if they would kindly remove the block on our IP so that regular email can be delivered again.
Dear Yahoo-Postmaster-Team,
I’m contacting you because your mail servers are rejecting email coming from (mailout.euregio.net).
Since yesterday morning, one of our clients who uses our mail server as a smart host has been sending out around 250,000 emails. His network was infected by a worm/spambot.
We only discovered the problem this morning after Yahoo started to reject mails coming from our server. This caused a slowdown on our servers and the mailqueue to grow to more than 300,000 mails. I’ve spent the better part of today cleaning our mailqueue and to remove all offending mails.
Our client’s access to our outgoing mail server has been blocked on the IP level firewall. It will be remained blocked until they can convince us that all bot activity on their network has been stopped. We’re working with their IT consultant to make sure that our anti-spam TOS will be followed in future.
I’d like to ask you if you could please remove our server (mailout.euregio.net) from your blocklist as there are other clients who are trying to send legitimate mails to Yahoo users.
I’ve increased the spam-filter effectiveness on our side for this particular client so that these kind of problems don’t happen in future. The whole incident has also been documented on our support blog at http://support.euregio.net/blog/
I hope that our server can start to send regular mails to the Yahoo Mail Service again as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your time and help.
Yours sincerely,
Joe Savelberg
CEO, Euregio.Net AG